
Code of the Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratios (2018)

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This repository contains the Jupyter notebooks of the intriguing physical constants ratios that are at play in micro-physics and cosmology cite http://vixra.org/pdf/1811.0146v8.pdf if you use this Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratios(2018) notebook co-authored by Dr. Christian Bizouard, Nicolas Flawisky, Prof. Michel Grosmann, Valery Kotov, Prof. Francis Sanchez, Pr. Renee Veysseyres, Dr. Dominique Weigel, L.Gueroult & D.Gayral.

This repository is read-only: the source files are on the Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratios repository.

Running the code in the cloud

With Binder, you can run most of the Jupyter notebooks directly from your web browser without installing anything. Just click on the launch binder button above. A temporary Jupyter Notebook server with all dependencies will be automatically launched in the cloud. Be patient during the setup as it might take a while to load up. The image is not persistent: all your changes will be lost after some time.

Running the code on your computer

  1. Install git.

  2. Download and install Anaconda: choose the Python 3.6, 64-bit version for your operating system (macOS, Linux, or Windows).

  3. Open a terminal (cmd on Windows).

  4. Clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/LaGuer/Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratio.git
$ cd Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratio
  1. Create the physicalconstantsratios conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Activate the environment:

    • On macOS and Linux:
     source activate physicalconstantsratios
    • On Windows:
     activate physicalconstantsratios
  2. Launch the Jupyter Notebook:

$ jupyter-notebook


Jupyter-Notebook Practice Physical Constants Ratios

Explore intriguing Physical Constants ratios between microphysics and cosmology

Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratios Github.io

Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratios Github.com



License The ‘Jupyter-Notebook-Practice-Physical-Constants-Ratios’ package is licensed under the MIT “Expat” License. The original author(s) are:

Please, cite this paper http://vixra.org/pdf/1811.0146v8.pdf if you employ this package in your research work.

References & Books

Other related publications are available from these references:

Extra References